Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Ongoing Identity Crisis

I'm a refugee from Open Salon, driven from that excellent site by absurdly high down-time ratios that make it all but impossible to post and comment on the posts.

This is a shame because Open Salon is the more sophisticated, more expansive and far more popular successor to The Well and Table Talk, both old-school bulletin boards that simply don't provide the functionality that we now expect from community web sites.

Now, it seems that Open Salon, a free service from Salon.Com, is suffering from its own success. Their servers can't keep up with the traffic, their programmers can't keep up with the demands for more efficient services, and the members who use the service can't handle the frustrations we're subjected to.

I'm hoping that I will find a better environment here because I need to write and need to make sure that my writing gets read....or else there's no reason to write in the first place.

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